Same great tools with a new name

Hello. We’re SurveyLocal, a tool that helps you collect & monitor online reviews.

Scan My Reviews

See if your reviews are better or worse than your industry average

Trusted By

Explained in 90 Seconds


Send 1 Question Survey

Send email/SMS review requests in bulk or use our API. We also include review postcards with a custom survey link.

Filter Feedback

Our intelligent review engine invites happy customers to post reviews on sites they already have accounts with. We intercept unsatisfied customers and help you resolve their complaints before they go public.

Measure and Report

We monitor your online reviews so you can see trends and respond to all feedback in one place. Our email reports keep you in the loop with customizable alerts if something requires your attention.


API Integration

We LOVE automation. Use our API and Zapier integration to put your review generation on autopilot.

Time Savers

Instantly remove duplicate contacts, schedule automated reminders, and bulk upload contacts from CSV or Excel files.

Review Monitoring & Alerts

We monitor any mentions of your brand on over 25 reviews sites as well as forums, blogs, websites, and social media.

Testimonials Widget

Use our SEO friendly widget on your website to automatically showcase your best reviews.

Case Studies

We’ve seen great results across dozens of industries. Here are unique benefits our customers have discovered: